
Tabela ASCII w C

W tym temacie zostaną omówione kody ASCII oraz sposób napisania programu wyświetlającego tabelę ASCII w języku programowania C. ASCII oznacza Amerykański standardowy kodeks wymiany informacji . Kod ASCII to schemat kodowania znaków używany do definiowania wartości podstawowych elementów znakowych służących do wymiany informacji w komputerach i innych urządzeniach elektronicznych.

Tabela ASCII w C

Co więcej, kod ASCII to zbiór 255 symboli w zestawie znaków, podzielony na dwie części, standardowy kod ASCII i rozszerzony kod ASCII. Standardowy kod ASCII ma zakres od 0 do 127 i ma długość 7 bitów, a rozszerzony kod ASCII od 128 do 255 ma długość 8 bitów. Znaki te to kombinacja liter symbolicznych (wielkich i małych (a-z, AZ), cyfr (0-9), znaków specjalnych (!, @, #, $ itp.), znaków interpunkcyjnych i znaków sterujących. Dlatego też możemy można powiedzieć, że każdy znak ma swoją własną wartość ASCII.

Na przykład, gdy wprowadzimy ciąg znaków jako „HELLO”, komputer nie przechowuje bezpośrednio wprowadzonego ciągu. Zamiast tego system przechowuje ciągi w odpowiadającej im wartości ASCII, np. „7269767679”. Wartość ASCII H wynosi 72, E wynosi 69, L wynosi 76, a O wynosi 79.

Program pobierający wartość ASCII wielkich liter


 #include int main() { // declare local variable int caps; // use for loop to print the capital letter from A to Z for ( caps = 65; caps <91; caps++) { printf (' 
 the ascii value of %c is %d ', caps, caps); } return 0; < pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> The ASCII value of A is 65 The ASCII value of B is 66 The ASCII value of C is 67 The ASCII value of D is 68 The ASCII value of E is 69 The ASCII value of F is 70 The ASCII value of G is 71 The ASCII value of H is 72 The ASCII value of I is 73 The ASCII value of J is 74 The ASCII value of K is 75 The ASCII value of L is 76 The ASCII value of M is 77 The ASCII value of N is 78 The ASCII value of O is 79 The ASCII value of P is 80 The ASCII value of Q is 81 The ASCII value of R is 82 The ASCII value of S is 83 The ASCII value of T is 84 The ASCII value of U is 85 The ASCII value of V is 86 The ASCII value of W is 87 The ASCII value of X is 88 The ASCII value of Y is 89 The ASCII value of Z is 90 </pre> <h3>Program to get the ASCII value of the small letters</h3> <p> <strong>Program2.c</strong> </p> <pre> #include int main() { // declare local variable int small; // use for loop to print the small alphabets letter from a to z for ( small = 97; small <123; small++) { display ascii values to its equivalent characters printf (' 
 the value of %c is %d ', small, small); } return 0; < pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> The ASCII value of a is 97 The ASCII value of b is 98 The ASCII value of c is 99 The ASCII value of d is 100 The ASCII value of e is 101 The ASCII value of f is 102 The ASCII value of g is 103 The ASCII value of h is 104 The ASCII value of i is 105 The ASCII value of j is 106 The ASCII value of k is 107 The ASCII value of l is 108 The ASCII value of m is 109 The ASCII value of n is 110 The ASCII value of o is 111 The ASCII value of p is 112 The ASCII value of q is 113 The ASCII value of r is 114 The ASCII value of s is 115 The ASCII value of t is 116 The ASCII value of u is 117 The ASCII value of v is 118 The ASCII value of w is 119 The ASCII value of x is 120 The ASCII value of y is 121 The ASCII value of z is 122 </pre> <h3>Program to get the ASCII value of the given characters</h3> <p> <strong>Program3.c</strong> </p> <pre> #include int main() { char arr[30]; // declare the size of character array int count = 0; // declare a count variable // enter any name to get the ascii codes printf (&apos; 
 Enter the name to get the ASCII codes: &apos;); scanf (&apos; %s&apos;, &amp;arr); // use while loop to sequentially iterate every characters of the array while (arr[count] != &apos;&apos;) { // display the character name one by one printf (&apos; 
 The ascii code of the character %c is %d &apos;, arr[count], arr[count]); count++; // increment one by one } return 0; } </pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Enter the name to get the ASCII codes: JAVATPOINT The ASCII code of the character J is 74 The ASCII code of the character A is 65 The ASCII code of the character V is 86 The ASCII code of the character A is 65 The ASCII code of the character T is 84 The ASCII code of the character P is 80 The ASCII code of the character O is 79 The ASCII code of the character I is 73 The ASCII code of the character N is 78 The ASCII code of the character T is 84 </pre> <h3>Program to get the ASCII value of the special characters</h3> <p> <strong>Program4.c</strong> </p> <pre> #include int main() { // declare a variable int specialCh; for (specialCh = 33; specialCh <48; specialch++) { printf (' 
 the ascii value of '%c' special character is: %d', specialch, specialch); } for (specialch="58;" specialch < 65; 127; return 0; pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> The ASCII value of &apos;!&apos; special character is: 33 The ASCII value of &apos;&apos;&apos; special character is: 34 The ASCII value of &apos;#&apos; special character is: 35 The ASCII value of &apos;$&apos; special character is: 36 The ASCII value of &apos;%&apos; special character is: 37 The ASCII value of &apos;&amp;&apos; special character is: 38 The ASCII value of &apos;&apos;&apos; special character is: 39 The ASCII value of &apos;(&apos; special character is: 40 The ASCII value of &apos;)&apos; special character is: 41 The ASCII value of &apos;*&apos; special character is: 42 The ASCII value of &apos;+&apos; special character is: 43 The ASCII value of &apos;,&apos; special character is: 44 The ASCII value of &apos;-&apos; special character is: 45 The ASCII value of &apos;.&apos; special character is: 46 The ASCII value of &apos;/&apos; special character is: 47 The ASCII value of &apos;:&apos; special character is: 58 The ASCII value of &apos;;&apos; special character is: 59 The ASCII value of &apos;&apos; special character is: 62 The ASCII value of &apos;?&apos; special character is: 63 The ASCII value of &apos;@&apos; special character is: 64 The ASCII value of &apos;&apos; special character is: 124 The ASCII value of &apos;&apos; special character is: 125 The ASCII value of &apos;~&apos; special character is: 126 </pre> <h3>Program to print the complete ASCII tables in C</h3> <p> <strong>Program6.c</strong> </p> <pre> #include int main() { // declare a variable int asciTable; printf (&apos; The complete ASCII table of the characters in the C &apos;); for (asciTable = 0; asciTable <255; ascitable++) { printf (' 
 the value of '%c' character is: %d', ascitable, ascitable); } return 0; < pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <img src="//techcodeview.com/img/c-tutorial/14/ascii-table-c-2.webp" alt="ASCII Table in C"> <hr></255;></pre></48;></pre></123;></pre></91;>

Program pobierający wartość ASCII małych liter


 #include int main() { // declare local variable int small; // use for loop to print the small alphabets letter from a to z for ( small = 97; small <123; small++) { display ascii values to its equivalent characters printf (\' 
 the value of %c is %d \', small, small); } return 0; < pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> The ASCII value of a is 97 The ASCII value of b is 98 The ASCII value of c is 99 The ASCII value of d is 100 The ASCII value of e is 101 The ASCII value of f is 102 The ASCII value of g is 103 The ASCII value of h is 104 The ASCII value of i is 105 The ASCII value of j is 106 The ASCII value of k is 107 The ASCII value of l is 108 The ASCII value of m is 109 The ASCII value of n is 110 The ASCII value of o is 111 The ASCII value of p is 112 The ASCII value of q is 113 The ASCII value of r is 114 The ASCII value of s is 115 The ASCII value of t is 116 The ASCII value of u is 117 The ASCII value of v is 118 The ASCII value of w is 119 The ASCII value of x is 120 The ASCII value of y is 121 The ASCII value of z is 122 </pre> <h3>Program to get the ASCII value of the given characters</h3> <p> <strong>Program3.c</strong> </p> <pre> #include int main() { char arr[30]; // declare the size of character array int count = 0; // declare a count variable // enter any name to get the ascii codes printf (&apos; 
 Enter the name to get the ASCII codes: &apos;); scanf (&apos; %s&apos;, &amp;arr); // use while loop to sequentially iterate every characters of the array while (arr[count] != &apos;&apos;) { // display the character name one by one printf (&apos; 
 The ascii code of the character %c is %d &apos;, arr[count], arr[count]); count++; // increment one by one } return 0; } </pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Enter the name to get the ASCII codes: JAVATPOINT The ASCII code of the character J is 74 The ASCII code of the character A is 65 The ASCII code of the character V is 86 The ASCII code of the character A is 65 The ASCII code of the character T is 84 The ASCII code of the character P is 80 The ASCII code of the character O is 79 The ASCII code of the character I is 73 The ASCII code of the character N is 78 The ASCII code of the character T is 84 </pre> <h3>Program to get the ASCII value of the special characters</h3> <p> <strong>Program4.c</strong> </p> <pre> #include int main() { // declare a variable int specialCh; for (specialCh = 33; specialCh <48; specialch++) { printf (\' 
 the ascii value of \'%c\' special character is: %d\', specialch, specialch); } for (specialch="58;" specialch < 65; 127; return 0; pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> The ASCII value of &apos;!&apos; special character is: 33 The ASCII value of &apos;&apos;&apos; special character is: 34 The ASCII value of &apos;#&apos; special character is: 35 The ASCII value of &apos;$&apos; special character is: 36 The ASCII value of &apos;%&apos; special character is: 37 The ASCII value of &apos;&amp;&apos; special character is: 38 The ASCII value of &apos;&apos;&apos; special character is: 39 The ASCII value of &apos;(&apos; special character is: 40 The ASCII value of &apos;)&apos; special character is: 41 The ASCII value of &apos;*&apos; special character is: 42 The ASCII value of &apos;+&apos; special character is: 43 The ASCII value of &apos;,&apos; special character is: 44 The ASCII value of &apos;-&apos; special character is: 45 The ASCII value of &apos;.&apos; special character is: 46 The ASCII value of &apos;/&apos; special character is: 47 The ASCII value of &apos;:&apos; special character is: 58 The ASCII value of &apos;;&apos; special character is: 59 The ASCII value of &apos;&apos; special character is: 62 The ASCII value of &apos;?&apos; special character is: 63 The ASCII value of &apos;@&apos; special character is: 64 The ASCII value of &apos;&apos; special character is: 124 The ASCII value of &apos;&apos; special character is: 125 The ASCII value of &apos;~&apos; special character is: 126 </pre> <h3>Program to print the complete ASCII tables in C</h3> <p> <strong>Program6.c</strong> </p> <pre> #include int main() { // declare a variable int asciTable; printf (&apos; The complete ASCII table of the characters in the C &apos;); for (asciTable = 0; asciTable <255; ascitable++) { printf (\' 
 the value of \'%c\' character is: %d\', ascitable, ascitable); } return 0; < pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <img src="//techcodeview.com/img/c-tutorial/14/ascii-table-c-2.webp" alt="ASCII Table in C"> <hr></255;></pre></48;></pre></123;>

Program pobierający wartość ASCII podanych znaków


 #include int main() { char arr[30]; // declare the size of character array int count = 0; // declare a count variable // enter any name to get the ascii codes printf (&apos; 
 Enter the name to get the ASCII codes: &apos;); scanf (&apos; %s&apos;, &amp;arr); // use while loop to sequentially iterate every characters of the array while (arr[count] != &apos;&apos;) { // display the character name one by one printf (&apos; 
 The ascii code of the character %c is %d &apos;, arr[count], arr[count]); count++; // increment one by one } return 0; } 


 Enter the name to get the ASCII codes: JAVATPOINT The ASCII code of the character J is 74 The ASCII code of the character A is 65 The ASCII code of the character V is 86 The ASCII code of the character A is 65 The ASCII code of the character T is 84 The ASCII code of the character P is 80 The ASCII code of the character O is 79 The ASCII code of the character I is 73 The ASCII code of the character N is 78 The ASCII code of the character T is 84 

Program pobierający wartość ASCII znaków specjalnych


 #include int main() { // declare a variable int specialCh; for (specialCh = 33; specialCh <48; specialch++) { printf (\' 
 the ascii value of \'%c\' special character is: %d\', specialch, specialch); } for (specialch="58;" specialch < 65; 127; return 0; pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> The ASCII value of &apos;!&apos; special character is: 33 The ASCII value of &apos;&apos;&apos; special character is: 34 The ASCII value of &apos;#&apos; special character is: 35 The ASCII value of &apos;$&apos; special character is: 36 The ASCII value of &apos;%&apos; special character is: 37 The ASCII value of &apos;&amp;&apos; special character is: 38 The ASCII value of &apos;&apos;&apos; special character is: 39 The ASCII value of &apos;(&apos; special character is: 40 The ASCII value of &apos;)&apos; special character is: 41 The ASCII value of &apos;*&apos; special character is: 42 The ASCII value of &apos;+&apos; special character is: 43 The ASCII value of &apos;,&apos; special character is: 44 The ASCII value of &apos;-&apos; special character is: 45 The ASCII value of &apos;.&apos; special character is: 46 The ASCII value of &apos;/&apos; special character is: 47 The ASCII value of &apos;:&apos; special character is: 58 The ASCII value of &apos;;&apos; special character is: 59 The ASCII value of &apos;&apos; special character is: 62 The ASCII value of &apos;?&apos; special character is: 63 The ASCII value of &apos;@&apos; special character is: 64 The ASCII value of &apos;&apos; special character is: 124 The ASCII value of &apos;&apos; special character is: 125 The ASCII value of &apos;~&apos; special character is: 126 </pre> <h3>Program to print the complete ASCII tables in C</h3> <p> <strong>Program6.c</strong> </p> <pre> #include int main() { // declare a variable int asciTable; printf (&apos; The complete ASCII table of the characters in the C &apos;); for (asciTable = 0; asciTable <255; ascitable++) { printf (\' 
 the value of \'%c\' character is: %d\', ascitable, ascitable); } return 0; < pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <img src="//techcodeview.com/img/c-tutorial/14/ascii-table-c-2.webp" alt="ASCII Table in C"> <hr></255;></pre></48;>

Program do drukowania pełnych tabel ASCII w języku C


 #include int main() { // declare a variable int asciTable; printf (&apos; The complete ASCII table of the characters in the C &apos;); for (asciTable = 0; asciTable <255; ascitable++) { printf (\\' 
 the value of \\'%c\\' character is: %d\\', ascitable, ascitable); } return 0; < pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <img src="//techcodeview.com/img/c-tutorial/14/ascii-table-c-2.webp" alt="ASCII Table in C"> <hr></255;>