
Jak połączyć dwa ciągi w C++?

W tej sekcji omówione zostanie łączenie dwóch lub większej liczby ciągów w języku programowania C++. Konkatenacja ciągu oznacza grupę znaków, która łączy dwa kolejne ciągi w celu zwrócenia połączonego pojedynczego ciągu. Podczas łączenia ciągów drugi ciąg jest dodawany na końcu pierwszego, aby utworzyć pojedynczy ciąg.

Na przykład mamy dwa ciągi znaków, ' Jawa ' I ' Punkt T ' i chcemy połączyć, aby utworzyć pojedynczy ciąg znaków jako Java + Tpoint = JavaTpoint.

Jak połączyć dwa ciągi znaków w C++

Omówmy różne sposoby łączenia danego ciągu w języku programowania C++.

  1. Połącz dwa ciągi znaków za pomocą pętli for
  2. Połącz dwa ciągi znaków za pomocą pętli while
  3. Połącz dwa ciągi znaków za pomocą operatora +
  4. Połącz dwa ciągi znaków za pomocą funkcji strcat().
  5. Połącz dwa ciągi znaków za pomocą funkcji append().
  6. Połącz dwa ciągi znaków za pomocą dziedziczenia
  7. Połącz dwa ciągi znaków za pomocą funkcji znajomego i funkcji strcat().

Program łączący dwa ciągi znaków za pomocą pętli for

Rozważmy przykład połączenia dwóch ciągów znaków za pomocą pętli for w programowaniu C++.


runy w PowerShell
 #include using namespace std; int main () { string str1, str2, result; // declare string variables int i; cout &lt;&gt; str1; // take string cout &lt;&gt; str2; // take second string // use for loop to enter the characters of the str1 into result string for ( i = 0; i <str1.size(); i++) { result="result" + str1[i]; add character of the str1 into } use for loop to enter characters str2 string ( i="0;" < str2.size(); str2[i]; cout << ' concatenation and is <<result; return 0; pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Enter the first string: Java Enter the second string: Tpoint The Concatenation of the string Java and Tpoint is JavaTpoint </pre> <h3>Program to concatenate two strings using while loop</h3> <p>Let&apos;s consider an example to combine two strings using a while loop in C++ programming.</p> <p> <strong>Program2.cpp</strong> </p> <pre> #include using namespace std; int main () { // declare and initialize the string char str1[100] = &apos; We Love&apos;; char str2[100] = &apos; C++ Programming Language&apos;; int i, j; // declare variable cout &lt;&lt; &apos; The first string is: &apos; &lt;&lt; str1 &lt;&lt; endl; cout &lt;&lt; &apos; The second string is: &apos;&lt;&lt; str2 &lt;<endl; for (i="0;" str1[i] !="" ; i++); j="0;" initialize with 0; use while loop that insert the str2 characters in str1 (str2[j] ) check is not equal to null { assign character of i++; j++; } cout << ' concatenated string is: str1; return < pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> The first string is: We Love The second string is: C++ Programming Language The concatenated string is: We Love C++ Programming Language </pre> <h3>Program to concatenate two strings using the + operator in C++</h3> <p> <strong>+ Operator:</strong> It is an arithmetic &apos;+&apos;operator that simply adds two strings to return a new concatenated string.</p> <p>Let&apos;s consider an example to combine two strings using the + operator in C++ programming.</p> <p> <strong>Program3.cpp</strong> </p> <pre> #include using namespace std; int main () { string str1, str2; // declare string variables cout &lt;&gt; str1; cout &lt;&gt; str2; // use &apos;+&apos; operator to concatenate the str1 and str2 string result = str1 + str2; cout &lt;&lt; &apos; The concatenated string &apos; &lt;&lt; str1 &lt;&lt; &apos; and &apos; &lt;&lt; str2 &lt;<' is: ' << result; return 0; } < pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Enter the first string: Java Enter the second string: Tpoint The concatenated string Java and Tpoint is: JavaTpoint </pre> <h3>Program to concatenate two strings using the strcat() method</h3> <p> <strong>strcat() function:</strong> The strcat is an inbuilt function of the string class, which adds two character strings to return a concatenated string.</p> <p> <strong>Syntax</strong> </p> <pre> strcat ( char *arr1, char *arr2) </pre> <p>There are two character arrays in the above syntax, arr1 and arr2, which passed inside the strcat() function to return a concatenated string.</p> <p>Let&apos;s consider an example to combine two strings using strcat() function in the C++ programming.</p> <p> <strong>Program4.cpp</strong> </p> <pre> #include #include using namespace std; int main() { // declare and initialize the string char str1[] = &apos; We love&apos;; char str2[] = &apos; C++ Programming&apos;; cout &lt;&lt; &apos; String 1: &apos; &lt;<str1 <<endl; cout << ' string 2: <<str2 use the strcat() function to concatenate strcat(str1, str2); concatenated is: <<str1; return 0; } < pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> String 1: We love String 2: C++ Programming The concatenated string is: We love C++ Programming </pre> <h3>Program to concatenate two strings using the append function</h3> <p> <strong>append() function:</strong> An <strong>append()</strong> function is a predefined library function used to insert or add a second string at the end of the first string to return a single string.</p> <p> <strong>Syntax</strong> </p> <pre> str1.append(str2); </pre> <p>In the above syntax, the str2 is a second string to pass in the append() function that inserts the str2 string at the end of the str1 string.</p> <p>Let&apos;s consider an example to combine two strings using append() function in the C++ programming.</p> <p> <strong>Program5.cpp</strong> </p> <pre> #include using namespace std; int main () { string str1, str2, result; // declare string variables cout &lt;&gt; str1; // take string cout &lt;&gt; str2; // take second string // use append() function to insert element at the end of the str1 str1.append(str2); cout &lt;&lt; &apos; 
 The concatenation of the string is: &apos;&lt;&lt; str1; return 0; } </pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Enter the first string: Hello Enter the second string: Friends! The concatenation of the string is: HelloFriends! </pre> <h3>Program to concatenate two string using the inheritance of the class</h3> <p>Let&apos;s consider an example to combine two strings using inheritance in the C++ programming.</p> <p> <strong>Program6.cpp</strong> </p> <pre> #include #include using namespace std; // create base class class base { protected: virtual string concatenate(string &amp;str1, string &amp;str2) = 0; }; // create derive class to acquire features of base class class derive: protected base { public: string concatenate (string &amp;str1, string &amp;str2) { string temp; temp = str1 + str2; return temp; } }; int main() { // declare variable string str1, str2; cout &lt;&gt;str1; cout &lt;&gt;str2; // create string object derive obj; // print string cout &lt;<' 
 the concatenated string is: ' << obj.concatenate (str1, str2); return 0; } < pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Enter first string: C++ Enter second string: Programming The concatenated string is: C++Programming </pre> <h3>Program to concatenate two strings using the friend function and strcat() function</h3> <p>Let&apos;s consider an example to combine two strings using friend function and strcat() function in the C++ programming.</p> <p> <strong>Program7.cpp</strong> </p> <pre> #include #include using namespace std; class Base { private: char st[100], st2[100]; public: void inp() { cout &lt;<' 100 enter the first string: '; cin.getline (st, 100); take a line of string with limit cout <<' second (st2, friend void myfun(base b); }; myfun (base b) { strcat (b.st, b.st2); pass parameter to concatenate concatenated ' < <b.st; } int main() base b; create b as an object b.inp(); call inp() function myfun(b); myfun() print return 0; pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Enter the first string: javatpoint Enter the second string: .com The concatenated string: javatpoint.com </pre> <hr></'></pre></'></pre></str1></pre></'></pre></endl;></pre></str1.size();>

Program łączący dwa ciągi znaków za pomocą pętli while

Rozważmy przykład połączenia dwóch ciągów znaków za pomocą pętli while w programowaniu w C++.


 #include using namespace std; int main () { // declare and initialize the string char str1[100] = &apos; We Love&apos;; char str2[100] = &apos; C++ Programming Language&apos;; int i, j; // declare variable cout &lt;&lt; &apos; The first string is: &apos; &lt;&lt; str1 &lt;&lt; endl; cout &lt;&lt; &apos; The second string is: &apos;&lt;&lt; str2 &lt;<endl; for (i="0;" str1[i] !="" ; i++); j="0;" initialize with 0; use while loop that insert the str2 characters in str1 (str2[j] ) check is not equal to null { assign character of i++; j++; } cout << \' concatenated string is: str1; return < pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> The first string is: We Love The second string is: C++ Programming Language The concatenated string is: We Love C++ Programming Language </pre> <h3>Program to concatenate two strings using the + operator in C++</h3> <p> <strong>+ Operator:</strong> It is an arithmetic &apos;+&apos;operator that simply adds two strings to return a new concatenated string.</p> <p>Let&apos;s consider an example to combine two strings using the + operator in C++ programming.</p> <p> <strong>Program3.cpp</strong> </p> <pre> #include using namespace std; int main () { string str1, str2; // declare string variables cout &lt;&gt; str1; cout &lt;&gt; str2; // use &apos;+&apos; operator to concatenate the str1 and str2 string result = str1 + str2; cout &lt;&lt; &apos; The concatenated string &apos; &lt;&lt; str1 &lt;&lt; &apos; and &apos; &lt;&lt; str2 &lt;<\' is: \' << result; return 0; } < pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Enter the first string: Java Enter the second string: Tpoint The concatenated string Java and Tpoint is: JavaTpoint </pre> <h3>Program to concatenate two strings using the strcat() method</h3> <p> <strong>strcat() function:</strong> The strcat is an inbuilt function of the string class, which adds two character strings to return a concatenated string.</p> <p> <strong>Syntax</strong> </p> <pre> strcat ( char *arr1, char *arr2) </pre> <p>There are two character arrays in the above syntax, arr1 and arr2, which passed inside the strcat() function to return a concatenated string.</p> <p>Let&apos;s consider an example to combine two strings using strcat() function in the C++ programming.</p> <p> <strong>Program4.cpp</strong> </p> <pre> #include #include using namespace std; int main() { // declare and initialize the string char str1[] = &apos; We love&apos;; char str2[] = &apos; C++ Programming&apos;; cout &lt;&lt; &apos; String 1: &apos; &lt;<str1 <<endl; cout << \' string 2: <<str2 use the strcat() function to concatenate strcat(str1, str2); concatenated is: <<str1; return 0; } < pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> String 1: We love String 2: C++ Programming The concatenated string is: We love C++ Programming </pre> <h3>Program to concatenate two strings using the append function</h3> <p> <strong>append() function:</strong> An <strong>append()</strong> function is a predefined library function used to insert or add a second string at the end of the first string to return a single string.</p> <p> <strong>Syntax</strong> </p> <pre> str1.append(str2); </pre> <p>In the above syntax, the str2 is a second string to pass in the append() function that inserts the str2 string at the end of the str1 string.</p> <p>Let&apos;s consider an example to combine two strings using append() function in the C++ programming.</p> <p> <strong>Program5.cpp</strong> </p> <pre> #include using namespace std; int main () { string str1, str2, result; // declare string variables cout &lt;&gt; str1; // take string cout &lt;&gt; str2; // take second string // use append() function to insert element at the end of the str1 str1.append(str2); cout &lt;&lt; &apos; 
 The concatenation of the string is: &apos;&lt;&lt; str1; return 0; } </pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Enter the first string: Hello Enter the second string: Friends! The concatenation of the string is: HelloFriends! </pre> <h3>Program to concatenate two string using the inheritance of the class</h3> <p>Let&apos;s consider an example to combine two strings using inheritance in the C++ programming.</p> <p> <strong>Program6.cpp</strong> </p> <pre> #include #include using namespace std; // create base class class base { protected: virtual string concatenate(string &amp;str1, string &amp;str2) = 0; }; // create derive class to acquire features of base class class derive: protected base { public: string concatenate (string &amp;str1, string &amp;str2) { string temp; temp = str1 + str2; return temp; } }; int main() { // declare variable string str1, str2; cout &lt;&gt;str1; cout &lt;&gt;str2; // create string object derive obj; // print string cout &lt;<\' 
 the concatenated string is: \' << obj.concatenate (str1, str2); return 0; } < pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Enter first string: C++ Enter second string: Programming The concatenated string is: C++Programming </pre> <h3>Program to concatenate two strings using the friend function and strcat() function</h3> <p>Let&apos;s consider an example to combine two strings using friend function and strcat() function in the C++ programming.</p> <p> <strong>Program7.cpp</strong> </p> <pre> #include #include using namespace std; class Base { private: char st[100], st2[100]; public: void inp() { cout &lt;<\' 100 enter the first string: \'; cin.getline (st, 100); take a line of string with limit cout <<\' second (st2, friend void myfun(base b); }; myfun (base b) { strcat (b.st, b.st2); pass parameter to concatenate concatenated \' < <b.st; } int main() base b; create b as an object b.inp(); call inp() function myfun(b); myfun() print return 0; pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Enter the first string: javatpoint Enter the second string: .com The concatenated string: javatpoint.com </pre> <hr></\'></pre></\'></pre></str1></pre></\'></pre></endl;>

Program do łączenia dwóch ciągów znaków za pomocą operatora + w C++

+ Operator: Jest to operator arytmetyczny „+”, który po prostu dodaje dwa ciągi znaków, aby zwrócić nowy połączony ciąg.

Rozważmy przykład połączenia dwóch ciągów za pomocą operatora + w programowaniu w C++.

referencyjne typy danych w Javie


 #include using namespace std; int main () { string str1, str2; // declare string variables cout &lt;&gt; str1; cout &lt;&gt; str2; // use &apos;+&apos; operator to concatenate the str1 and str2 string result = str1 + str2; cout &lt;&lt; &apos; The concatenated string &apos; &lt;&lt; str1 &lt;&lt; &apos; and &apos; &lt;&lt; str2 &lt;<\' is: \' << result; return 0; } < pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Enter the first string: Java Enter the second string: Tpoint The concatenated string Java and Tpoint is: JavaTpoint </pre> <h3>Program to concatenate two strings using the strcat() method</h3> <p> <strong>strcat() function:</strong> The strcat is an inbuilt function of the string class, which adds two character strings to return a concatenated string.</p> <p> <strong>Syntax</strong> </p> <pre> strcat ( char *arr1, char *arr2) </pre> <p>There are two character arrays in the above syntax, arr1 and arr2, which passed inside the strcat() function to return a concatenated string.</p> <p>Let&apos;s consider an example to combine two strings using strcat() function in the C++ programming.</p> <p> <strong>Program4.cpp</strong> </p> <pre> #include #include using namespace std; int main() { // declare and initialize the string char str1[] = &apos; We love&apos;; char str2[] = &apos; C++ Programming&apos;; cout &lt;&lt; &apos; String 1: &apos; &lt;<str1 <<endl; cout << \' string 2: <<str2 use the strcat() function to concatenate strcat(str1, str2); concatenated is: <<str1; return 0; } < pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> String 1: We love String 2: C++ Programming The concatenated string is: We love C++ Programming </pre> <h3>Program to concatenate two strings using the append function</h3> <p> <strong>append() function:</strong> An <strong>append()</strong> function is a predefined library function used to insert or add a second string at the end of the first string to return a single string.</p> <p> <strong>Syntax</strong> </p> <pre> str1.append(str2); </pre> <p>In the above syntax, the str2 is a second string to pass in the append() function that inserts the str2 string at the end of the str1 string.</p> <p>Let&apos;s consider an example to combine two strings using append() function in the C++ programming.</p> <p> <strong>Program5.cpp</strong> </p> <pre> #include using namespace std; int main () { string str1, str2, result; // declare string variables cout &lt;&gt; str1; // take string cout &lt;&gt; str2; // take second string // use append() function to insert element at the end of the str1 str1.append(str2); cout &lt;&lt; &apos; 
 The concatenation of the string is: &apos;&lt;&lt; str1; return 0; } </pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Enter the first string: Hello Enter the second string: Friends! The concatenation of the string is: HelloFriends! </pre> <h3>Program to concatenate two string using the inheritance of the class</h3> <p>Let&apos;s consider an example to combine two strings using inheritance in the C++ programming.</p> <p> <strong>Program6.cpp</strong> </p> <pre> #include #include using namespace std; // create base class class base { protected: virtual string concatenate(string &amp;str1, string &amp;str2) = 0; }; // create derive class to acquire features of base class class derive: protected base { public: string concatenate (string &amp;str1, string &amp;str2) { string temp; temp = str1 + str2; return temp; } }; int main() { // declare variable string str1, str2; cout &lt;&gt;str1; cout &lt;&gt;str2; // create string object derive obj; // print string cout &lt;<\' 
 the concatenated string is: \' << obj.concatenate (str1, str2); return 0; } < pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Enter first string: C++ Enter second string: Programming The concatenated string is: C++Programming </pre> <h3>Program to concatenate two strings using the friend function and strcat() function</h3> <p>Let&apos;s consider an example to combine two strings using friend function and strcat() function in the C++ programming.</p> <p> <strong>Program7.cpp</strong> </p> <pre> #include #include using namespace std; class Base { private: char st[100], st2[100]; public: void inp() { cout &lt;<\' 100 enter the first string: \'; cin.getline (st, 100); take a line of string with limit cout <<\' second (st2, friend void myfun(base b); }; myfun (base b) { strcat (b.st, b.st2); pass parameter to concatenate concatenated \' < <b.st; } int main() base b; create b as an object b.inp(); call inp() function myfun(b); myfun() print return 0; pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Enter the first string: javatpoint Enter the second string: .com The concatenated string: javatpoint.com </pre> <hr></\'></pre></\'></pre></str1></pre></\'>

Program łączący dwa ciągi znaków za pomocą metody strcat().

funkcja strcat(): strcat to wbudowana funkcja klasy string, która dodaje dwa ciągi znaków w celu zwrócenia połączonego ciągu.


 strcat ( char *arr1, char *arr2) 

W powyższej składni znajdują się dwie tablice znaków, arr1 i arr2, które zostały przekazane wewnątrz funkcji strcat() w celu zwrócenia połączonego ciągu znaków.

Rozważmy przykład połączenia dwóch ciągów znaków za pomocą funkcji strcat() w programowaniu w C++.

lista.sortuj Java


 #include #include using namespace std; int main() { // declare and initialize the string char str1[] = &apos; We love&apos;; char str2[] = &apos; C++ Programming&apos;; cout &lt;&lt; &apos; String 1: &apos; &lt;<str1 <<endl; cout << \' string 2: <<str2 use the strcat() function to concatenate strcat(str1, str2); concatenated is: <<str1; return 0; } < pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> String 1: We love String 2: C++ Programming The concatenated string is: We love C++ Programming </pre> <h3>Program to concatenate two strings using the append function</h3> <p> <strong>append() function:</strong> An <strong>append()</strong> function is a predefined library function used to insert or add a second string at the end of the first string to return a single string.</p> <p> <strong>Syntax</strong> </p> <pre> str1.append(str2); </pre> <p>In the above syntax, the str2 is a second string to pass in the append() function that inserts the str2 string at the end of the str1 string.</p> <p>Let&apos;s consider an example to combine two strings using append() function in the C++ programming.</p> <p> <strong>Program5.cpp</strong> </p> <pre> #include using namespace std; int main () { string str1, str2, result; // declare string variables cout &lt;&gt; str1; // take string cout &lt;&gt; str2; // take second string // use append() function to insert element at the end of the str1 str1.append(str2); cout &lt;&lt; &apos; 
 The concatenation of the string is: &apos;&lt;&lt; str1; return 0; } </pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Enter the first string: Hello Enter the second string: Friends! The concatenation of the string is: HelloFriends! </pre> <h3>Program to concatenate two string using the inheritance of the class</h3> <p>Let&apos;s consider an example to combine two strings using inheritance in the C++ programming.</p> <p> <strong>Program6.cpp</strong> </p> <pre> #include #include using namespace std; // create base class class base { protected: virtual string concatenate(string &amp;str1, string &amp;str2) = 0; }; // create derive class to acquire features of base class class derive: protected base { public: string concatenate (string &amp;str1, string &amp;str2) { string temp; temp = str1 + str2; return temp; } }; int main() { // declare variable string str1, str2; cout &lt;&gt;str1; cout &lt;&gt;str2; // create string object derive obj; // print string cout &lt;<\' 
 the concatenated string is: \' << obj.concatenate (str1, str2); return 0; } < pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Enter first string: C++ Enter second string: Programming The concatenated string is: C++Programming </pre> <h3>Program to concatenate two strings using the friend function and strcat() function</h3> <p>Let&apos;s consider an example to combine two strings using friend function and strcat() function in the C++ programming.</p> <p> <strong>Program7.cpp</strong> </p> <pre> #include #include using namespace std; class Base { private: char st[100], st2[100]; public: void inp() { cout &lt;<\' 100 enter the first string: \'; cin.getline (st, 100); take a line of string with limit cout <<\' second (st2, friend void myfun(base b); }; myfun (base b) { strcat (b.st, b.st2); pass parameter to concatenate concatenated \' < <b.st; } int main() base b; create b as an object b.inp(); call inp() function myfun(b); myfun() print return 0; pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Enter the first string: javatpoint Enter the second string: .com The concatenated string: javatpoint.com </pre> <hr></\'></pre></\'></pre></str1>

Program łączący dwa ciągi znaków za pomocą funkcji dołączania

funkcja dołączania(): Jakiś dodać() Funkcja to predefiniowana funkcja biblioteczna używana do wstawiania lub dodawania drugiego ciągu na końcu pierwszego ciągu w celu zwrócenia pojedynczego ciągu.

jak określić rozmiar monitora



W powyższej składni ciąg str2 jest drugim ciągiem znaków przekazywanym przez funkcję append(), która wstawia ciąg str2 na końcu ciągu str1.

Rozważmy przykład połączenia dwóch ciągów znaków za pomocą funkcji append() w programowaniu C++.


 #include using namespace std; int main () { string str1, str2, result; // declare string variables cout &lt;&gt; str1; // take string cout &lt;&gt; str2; // take second string // use append() function to insert element at the end of the str1 str1.append(str2); cout &lt;&lt; &apos; 
 The concatenation of the string is: &apos;&lt;&lt; str1; return 0; } 


 Enter the first string: Hello Enter the second string: Friends! The concatenation of the string is: HelloFriends! 

Program łączący dwa ciągi znaków przy użyciu dziedziczenia klasy

Rozważmy przykład połączenia dwóch ciągów znaków przy użyciu dziedziczenia w programowaniu C++.



 #include #include using namespace std; // create base class class base { protected: virtual string concatenate(string &amp;str1, string &amp;str2) = 0; }; // create derive class to acquire features of base class class derive: protected base { public: string concatenate (string &amp;str1, string &amp;str2) { string temp; temp = str1 + str2; return temp; } }; int main() { // declare variable string str1, str2; cout &lt;&gt;str1; cout &lt;&gt;str2; // create string object derive obj; // print string cout &lt;<\' 
 the concatenated string is: \' << obj.concatenate (str1, str2); return 0; } < pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Enter first string: C++ Enter second string: Programming The concatenated string is: C++Programming </pre> <h3>Program to concatenate two strings using the friend function and strcat() function</h3> <p>Let&apos;s consider an example to combine two strings using friend function and strcat() function in the C++ programming.</p> <p> <strong>Program7.cpp</strong> </p> <pre> #include #include using namespace std; class Base { private: char st[100], st2[100]; public: void inp() { cout &lt;<\' 100 enter the first string: \'; cin.getline (st, 100); take a line of string with limit cout <<\' second (st2, friend void myfun(base b); }; myfun (base b) { strcat (b.st, b.st2); pass parameter to concatenate concatenated \' < <b.st; } int main() base b; create b as an object b.inp(); call inp() function myfun(b); myfun() print return 0; pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Enter the first string: javatpoint Enter the second string: .com The concatenated string: javatpoint.com </pre> <hr></\'></pre></\'>

Program łączący dwa ciągi znaków przy użyciu funkcji znajomego i funkcji strcat().

Rozważmy przykład połączenia dwóch ciągów znaków przy użyciu funkcji znajomego i funkcji strcat() w programowaniu w języku C++.


 #include #include using namespace std; class Base { private: char st[100], st2[100]; public: void inp() { cout &lt;<\\' 100 enter the first string: \\'; cin.getline (st, 100); take a line of string with limit cout <<\\' second (st2, friend void myfun(base b); }; myfun (base b) { strcat (b.st, b.st2); pass parameter to concatenate concatenated \\' < <b.st; } int main() base b; create b as an object b.inp(); call inp() function myfun(b); myfun() print return 0; pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Enter the first string: javatpoint Enter the second string: .com The concatenated string: javatpoint.com </pre> <hr></\\'>