
Metoda isDigit() znaku Java

Metoda isDigit(int codePoint) klasy Character ogólnie określa, czy podany znak jest cyfrą, czy nie. Ogólnie rzecz biorąc, znak jest uważany za cyfrę, jeśli jego ogólna kategoria podana przez getType(codePoint) to DECIMAL_DIGIT_NUMBER.


 public static boolean isDigit(int codePoint) 


Powyższa metoda wymaga tylko jednego parametru:

przekonwertuj int na ciąg Java

a.) CodePoint będący znakiem Unicode, który należy przetestować.

Wartość zwracana

Metoda isDigit(int codePoint) zwraca wartość logiczną, czyli true, jeśli podany (lub określony) znak jest cyfrą. W przeciwnym razie metoda zwraca wartość false.

Przykład 1

 public class JavaCharacaterisDigitintcodePointExample1 { public static void main(String[] args) { // Initialize the codePoints. int codepoint1 = 55; int codepoint2 = 32; int codepoint3 = 121; int codepoint4 = 49; int codepoint5 = 200; // Check whether a particular codePoint is a digit or not. boolean check1 = Character.isDigit(codepoint1); boolean check2 = Character.isDigit(codepoint2); boolean check3 = Character.isDigit(codepoint3); boolean check4 = Character.isDigit(codepoint4); boolean check5 = Character.isDigit(codepoint5); // Print the result. if(check1){ System.out.print('The codePoint ''+codepoint1+'' is a digit.
'); } else{ System.out.print('The codePoint ''+codepoint1+'' is not a digit.
'); } if(check2){ System.out.print('The codePoint ''+codepoint2+'' is a digit.
'); } else{ System.out.print('The codePoint ''+codepoint2+'' is not a digit.
'); } if(check3){ System.out.print('The codePoint ''+codepoint3+'' is a digit.
'); } else{ System.out.print('The codePoint ''+codepoint3+'' is not a digit.
'); } if(check4){ System.out.print('The codePoint ''+codepoint4+'' is a digit.
'); } else{ System.out.print('The codePoint ''+codepoint4+'' is not a digit.
'); } if(check5){ System.out.print('The codePoint ''+codepoint5+'' is a digit.
'); } else{ System.out.print('The codePoint ''+codepoint5+'' is not a digit.
'); } } } 
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 The codePoint '55' is a digit. The codePoint '32' is not a digit. The codePoint '121' is not a digit. The codePoint '49' is a digit. The codePoint '200' is not a digit. 

Przykład 2

 public class JavaCharacaterisDigitintcodePointExample2 { public static void main(String[] args) { // Create four int primitives obj1, obj2, obj3 and obj4. int obj1, obj2, obj3, obj4; // Assign the values to obj1, obj2, obj3 and obj4. obj1 = 0x06f8; obj2 = 0x0432; obj3 = 0x50; obj4 = 0x0c12; // Create four boolean primitives b1, b2, b3 and b4. boolean b1, b2, b3, b4; // Assign the isDigit method b1 = Character.isDigit(obj1); b2 = Character.isDigit(obj2); b3 = Character.isDigit(obj3); b4 = Character.isDigit(obj4); String str1 = 'The first object represents a digit : ' + b1; String str2 = 'The first object represents a digit : ' + b2; String str3 = 'The first object represents a digit : ' + b3; String str4 = 'The first object represents a digit : ' + b4; // Print the values of b1, b2, b3 and b4. System.out.println( str1 ); System.out.println( str2 ); System.out.println( str3 ); System.out.println( str4 ); } } 
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matryca lateksowa
 The first object represents a digit : true The first object represents a digit : false The first object represents a digit : false The first object represents a digit : false 

Metoda isDigit(char ch) klasy Character ogólnie określa, czy podany znak jest cyfrą, czy nie.

Ogólnie rzecz biorąc, znak jest uważany za cyfrę, jeśli jego ogólna kategoria podana przez Character.getType(ch) to DECIMAL_DIGIT_NUMBER.

Uwaga: Powyższa metoda nie może być używana do obsługi znaków dodatkowych. Aby obsłużyć wszystkie znaki Unicode, łącznie ze wszystkimi znakami dodatkowymi, możemy zastosować metodę isdigit(int).


 public static boolean isDefined(char ch) 


Powyższa metoda wymaga tylko jednego parametru

mapy javy
a.) Charakter, który należy przetestować.

Wartość zwracana

Metoda isDigit(char ch) zwraca wartość logiczną, tj. true, jeśli podany (lub określony) znak jest cyfrą. W przeciwnym razie metoda zwraca wartość false.

Przykład 3

 public class JavaCharacterisDigitExample3 { public static void main(String[] args) { // Create three char primitives: obj1, obj2, and obj3. char obj1, obj2, obj3; // Assign the values to obj1, obj2 and obj3 respectively. obj1 = ' '; obj2 = '4'; obj3 = '8'; // Create three boolean primitives b1, b2 and b3. boolean b1, b2,b3; //Assign isDigit results of obj1, obj2 and obj3 to b1, b2, and b3 respectively. b1 = Character.isDigit(obj1); b2 = Character.isDigit(obj2); b3 = Character.isDigit(obj3); String str1 = 'The digit '' + obj1 +'' is:'+b1; String str2 = 'The digit '' + obj2 +'' is:'+b2; String str3 = 'The digit '' + obj3 +'' is:'+b3; // Print the values of b1, b2 and b3. System.out.println( str1 ); System.out.println( str2 ); System.out.println( str3 ); } } 
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 The digit ' ' is:false The digit '4' is:true The digit '8' is:true 

Przykład 4

 import java.util.Scanner; public class JavaCharacterisDigitExample4 { public static void main(String[] args) { // Ask the user to enter the first character. System.out.print('Enter the first character:'); // Use scanner to get the user input. Scanner s1 = new Scanner(System.in); char value1 = s1.nextLine().toCharArray()[0]; // Check whether the input is digit or not. boolean check1 = Character.isDigit(value1); // Print the result if(check1){ System.out.print('The character ''+value1+'' is a digit.
'); } else{ System.out.print('The character ''+value1+'' is not a digit.
'); } // Ask the user to enter the second character. System.out.print('Enter the first character:'); // Use scanner to get the user input. Scanner s2 = new Scanner(System.in); char value2 = s2.nextLine().toCharArray()[0]; // Check whether the input is digit or not. boolean check2 = Character.isDigit(value2); // Print the result. if(check2){ System.out.print('The character ''+value2+'' is a digit.
'); } else{ System.out.print('The character ''+value2+'' is not a digit.
'); } } } 
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 Enter the first character: & The character '&' is not a digit. Enter the first character: 3 The character '3' is a digit. 

Przykład 5

 public class JavaCharacterisDigitExample5 { public static void main(String[] args) { // Create four char primitives: obj1, obj2, obj3 and obj4. char obj1, obj2, obj3, obj4; // Assign the values to obj1, obj2, obj3 and obj4 respectively. obj1 = 'A'; obj2 = '3'; obj3 = 'b'; obj4 = '6'; // Create four boolean primitives b1, b2, b3, and b4. boolean b1, b2,b3,b4; // Assign isDigit results of obj1, obj2, obj3, and obj4 to b1, b2 and b3 respectively. b1 = Character.isDigit(obj1); b2 = Character.isDigit(obj2); b3 = Character.isDigit(obj3); b4 = Character.isDigit(obj4); String str1 = 'The digit '' + obj1 +'' is:'+b1; String str2 = 'The digit '' + obj2 +'' is:'+b2; String str3 = 'The digit '' + obj3 +'' is:'+b3; String str4 = 'The digit '' + obj4 +'' is:'+b4; // Print the values of b1, b2, b3 and b4. System.out.println( str1 ); System.out.println( str2 ); System.out.println( str3 ); System.out.println( str4 ); } } 
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 The digit 'A' is:false The digit '3' is:true The digit 'b' is:false The digit '6' is:true